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六个情人的游戏/A Game for 6 Lovers/馋涎欲滴

Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady d……
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        Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady dies. The lawyer Miguel, who had a previous relationship xiaokan.cc with Miléna, insists the other two grandchildren, Fifine and her brother Jean-Paul, visit the château for the reading of the will, even though they have been estranged from the family at an early age. However Robert, who had been living with Fifine in an open relationship, arrives and impersonates Jean-Paul. Robert falls for Fifine's cousin Miléna while Fifine has designs on Miguel. In the meantime, the butler César is focusing his lecherous intentions on Prudence, the maid he had just hired.
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