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肉食动物/Beasts of Prey

  • 金绮泳
  • 韩国
  • 0集
  • 1985
  • 105分钟
  • 0.001017
Kim Dong - sik, a securities company employee, feels an inferiority when his wife 's business succee……
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        Kim Dong - sik, a securities company employee, feels an inferiority when his wife 's business succeeds, and her position in the home becomes blurred and gradually wanders. With this escape from wandering, the hostess will have extramarital affairs. Then, when his character is indecisive, he will have another home with this guidance, and will fall into deeper conflicts and abyss. The wife and the wife of the family share a certain kind of negotiation through the realism of the woman. In the end, he tried to escape from reality and wanted to flee his own pit himself and be forever forgotten by all.
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