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看得见的伤痕/Visible Scars

  • Richard Turke
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2013
  • 102分钟
  • 0.0010215
Seventeen years ago, MIKE GILLIS killed a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in……


        Seventeen years ago, MIKE GILLIS killed a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in the woods, claiming them as his own to appease his wife's desire for kids. After Mike committed multiple murders over seven years to protect the growing girls locked in the basement, even finally killing his wife, one day a fire in the house causes it to collapse on Mike and the twins. In present day, STACY WALKER flees to her uncle's old secluded cabin in those same woods to escape her abusive boyfriend. Once there, her head begins to clear and she feels free to be with her thoughts. That first night she is haunted by the ghosts of the little girls crying for their mother. Meanwhile, DETECTIVE BLACK is investigating the 17-year-old case of the twins' disappearance and their mother's murder. The cold trail suddenly turns warm when the case leads to the same secluded mountainous region where Stacy has escaped...
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      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05
          Seventeen years ago MIKE GILLIS killed a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in the woods claiming them as his own to appease his wife's desire for kids. After Mike committed multiple murders over seven years to protect the growing girls locked in the basement even finally killing his wife one day a fire in the house causes it to collapse on Mike and t...


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