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悲伤/Kachche Dhaage

  • Milan Luthria
  • 印度
  • 0集
  • 1999
  • 0分钟
  • 0.001091
Aftab has been brought up his mother, Mariam, and has no knowledge as to the identity and whereabout……


        Aftab has been brought up his mother, Mariam, and has no knowledge as to the identity and whereabouts of his biological father. When Mariam gets news that Ramakant Pandit is dying, she asks Aftab to accompany her to meet this dying man. On the way there, she explains to Aftab that Ramakant is none other than his father. Aftab is angry, but his anger subsides when he meets a humbled Ramakant, who is ready to touch Aftab's feet in forgiveness. Aftab embraces him, and shortly thereafter Ramakant passes away in Aftab's arms. Aftab gets to meet his step-brother, Dhananjay alias Jai, who is very resentful of his step-mother and step-brother, and will have nothing to do with them. Both brothers leave for their respective homes, hoping never to meet each other again. Jai returns to his wife, Ragini, and his increasing financial problems, while Aftab returns to romancing beautiful Ruksana. Then Jai gets a phone call from Aftab, asking him to bail him out, angered Jai goes to meet Aftab, and it...
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      • 游客2019-01-05
          Aftab has been brought up his mother Mariam and has no knowledge as to the identity and whereabouts of his biological father. When Mariam gets news that Ramakant Pandit is dying she asks Aftab to accompany her to meet this dying man. On the way there she explains to Aftab that Ramakant is none other than his father. Aftab is angry but his anger subsides when he meets a hum...


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      • 电影
      • 电视剧
      • 动漫
