Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande
- Parvin Dabas
- 印度
- 0集
- 2010
- 0分钟
- 0.0
Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande剧情介绍
The son of a politician is abducted. The kidnappers play a dangerous double game to support activists against land grabbing by the Government.
Rajbir is sentenced to a year in jail for Assault while his friends, Sexy, Ambani and Doctor, are not charged. After his discharge he reports to their boss, Fauji, an ex-army officer, who, at one time was a bank security guard, was unsuccessful in looting it, ended up as a gangster, and now wants to be an MLA. Fauji is then hired by the personal assistant, Rawat, of the Chief Minister, Jaya Gulati, to disrupt the non-violent agitation led by Malik against the government's Land Acquisition legislation - that empowers it to acquire land at very low compensation from farmers and allot it to powerful and influential industrialists like Aggarwal - who has paid her a huge bribe. Rajbir and his crew find out that the village is their hometown and decide to support the activists. They are turned down as the group does not want their demands tarnished by involvement of ex-convicts/goons. They then decide to play a dangerous double-game...
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The son of a politician is abducted. The kidnappers play a dangerous double game to support activists against land grabbing by the Government. Rajbir is sentenced to a year in jail for Assault while his friends Sexy Ambani and Doctor are not charged. After his discharge he reports to their boss Fauji an ex-army officer who at one time was a bank security guard was unsuc...