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督察班克斯 第三季/DCI Banks

督察班克斯 第三季高清BT下载
Wednesday's Child When a mother reports her child as having been abducted by a man and a woman masqu……

    督察班克斯 第三季剧情介绍

      Wednesday's Child When a mother reports her child as having been abducted by a man and a woman masquerading as social workers, Banks is drawn into a strange and unsettling search for the missing young boy. Piece of My Heart Following the death of a journalist, Banks and his team discover connections to a suspicious death in the eighties involving the surviving members of a pop band. Bad Boy A terrible chain of events is set in motion when an old neighbour of Banks' finds a loaded gun in her daughter's bedroom. Circumstances take a dramatic turn when Banks begins to fear for the safety of his own daughter.
    温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《督察班克斯 第三季全集下载[全6集]》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


    • 游客2020-04-12

    • 游客2020-04-12

    • 游客2020-04-12

    • 游客2020-04-12
        Wednesday's Child   When a mother reports her child as having been abducted by a man and a woman masquerading as social workers Banks is drawn into a strange and unsettling search for the missing young boy.   Piece of My Heart   Following the death of a journalist Banks and his team discover connections to a suspicious death in the eighties involving the surviving members of a pop ...

    • 游客2020-04-12


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    • 电影
    • 电视剧
    • 动漫
