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派对结束了/The Partys Over

  • Guy Hamilton
  • 英国
  • 0集
  • 1965
  • 94分钟
  • 0.0010111
An American businessman visits London and is horrified to discover his nubile teenage daughter has b……


        An American businessman visits London and is horrified to discover his nubile teenage daughter has become involved with a gang of thuggish "beatniks". Her involvement leads to wild parties, sex, death and necrophilia.
        An American looking for excitement overseas finds more than she can handle in this cautionary drama. Melina (Louise Sorel), a young American woman, disappears while traveling in Britain, and her father Ben (Eddie Albert) sends her fiancee Carson (Clifford David) to the U.K. in hopes of discovering what's become of her. Carson learns that Melina has fallen in with a group of thrill-seeking Chelsea beatniks known as 'The Pack'. She's decided to call off the engagement, and she uses the gang's loutish leader, Moise (Oliver Reed), to run interference and keep Carson at arm's length. Carson stays on Melina's trail, but as her new life with the Pack becomes more and more sordid, tragedy seems inevitable. THE PARTY'S OVER was shot in 1963, but disputes with censors prevented the film from opening in London until 1965, in a cut version that reportedly displeased director Guy Hamilton (GOLDFINGER, LIVE AND LET DIE).
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        • 游客2019-01-08
            An American businessman visits London and is horrified to discover his nubile teenage daughter has become involved with a gang of thuggish beatniks. Her involvement leads to wild parties sex death and necrophilia.   An American looking for excitement overseas finds more than she can handle in this cautionary drama. Melina (Louise Sorel) a young American woman disappears whi...


        • 全部
        • 电影
        • 电视剧
        • 动漫
