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  • Dave Mossop
  • 加拿大
  • 0集
  • 2011
  • 76分钟
  • 8.5010208
◎导 演 Dave Mossop ◎主 演 Mark Abma Eric Hjorleifson Chris Rubens ◎简 介 ……
  • 高速18


    ◎导 演 Dave Mossop
    ◎主 演 Mark Abma
    Eric Hjorleifson
    Chris Rubens
    ◎简 介
    The time has come for a ski film that stands for something. Join us as we unite spectacular cinematography with creative cinematic language to fuse our passion for skiing with our potential to help the environment. In bringing the planet to life and drawing parallels between our daily existence, we find common ground between the global situation and the real individual. Epic natural cinematography, ground breaking skiing from Chile to Greenland, and an environmental engagement that creates an accessible identification point for the viewer, leaving them with an inspiring new perspective.
    Athletes: Mark Abma, Eric Hjorleifson, Chris Rubens, James Heim, Callum Pettit, JP Auclair, Mike Douglas, Kye Petersen, Rory Bushfield, Ingrid Backstrom, John Collison, Lynsey Dyer, Ian McIntosh, Chad Sayers, Matty Richard, Dana Flahr, Greg Hill, Cody Barnhill and more.
    Locations: Chile, Canada, Morocco, Greenland, Alaska, and beyond.
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    • 游客2019-01-08
        ◎导  演 Dave Mossop   ◎主  演 Mark Abma   Eric Hjorleifson   Chris Rubens   ◎简  介   The time has come for a ski film that stands for something. Join us as we unite spectacular cinematography with creative cinematic language to fuse our passion for skiing with our potential to help the environment. In bringing the planet to life and drawing parallels between our daily existence we find commo...


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