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欢爱小屋 第一季/聪明小妞

欢爱小屋 第一季高清BT下载
  • 未录入
  • 美国
  • 10集
  • 2021
  • 30分钟
  • 6.401064
After getting unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend, Chelsea (Emily Osment) a high-brow, Harvard-educ……

      欢爱小屋 第一季剧情介绍

        After getting unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend, Chelsea (Emily Osment) a high-brow, Harvard-educated intellectual and aspiring novelist is forced to move in with her bubbly, carefree, not-so-intellectual West Coast sister, Claire (Olivia Macklin), and her three lovably eccentric, not-so-intellectual roommates: Grant (Gregg Sulkin), a distractingly handsome personal trainer, Solana (Cinthya Carmon), a former lawyer turned healer, and Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen), a social media influencer. But Chelsea's tough, sometimes judgemental exterior starts to soften as she gets to know her new friends, and they begin to form an unlikely found family.
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      • 游客2021-10-09
        dumber than a sack of severed dicks.

      • 游客2021-10-09
          After getting unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend Chelsea (Emily Osment) a high-brow Harvard-educated intellectual and aspiring novelist is forced to move in with her bubbly carefree not-so-intellectual West Coast sister Claire (Olivia Macklin) and her three lovably eccentric not-so-intellectual roommates: Grant (Gregg Sulkin) a distractingly handsome personal trainer...


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