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我们的时光/Our Days รักได้ไหมนายไม่ยิ้ม,Our Days, Can I Love You Mr. No Smile?,Our Days,我们的日子,你小子,笑一个,我们的日子,我能爱你吗,先生别微笑了,Our Days The Series,我能爱你吗,不微笑先生?,宛然一笑是青春,我们的校队时光

  • Pakphum Wiboonwongkrai
  • 泰国
  • 12集
  • 2022
  • 48分钟
  • 0.001047
Coming from rural Thailand, Mon moves to Bangkok to start university. On his first day in the big ci……


          Coming from rural Thailand, Mon moves to Bangkok to start university. On his first day in the big city, he meets Sow, a local musician, who shows him around. During a drunk night, Sow kisses Mon. Mon, confused, leaves. However, Mon quickly finds out Sow is also a freshman in his same faculty! Sow learns of Mon's love for basketball and decides to join the same team with him. In one of the matches, Mon gets injured and Sow starts taking care of him. Saint, Mon's high school teammate, confesses his love for him too. In the end, which team will Mon choose? Sow or Saint?
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