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痴心暗许/我的暗恋情人,暗恋者,暗恋的秘密,偷偷爱,暗恋秘密,我的秘密爱恋,暗戳戳爱上你,我的秘恋,Secret Admirer The Series,My Secret Love

  • 阿努孙·薛萨-尼
  • 泰国
  • 12集
  • 2022
  • 0分钟
  • 0.001045


        This is the story of a junior who secretly loves his senior but does not have the courage to reveal his true feelings. No matter how much time passes by, the love in his heart remains true and never fades away. How long does he have to keep his one-sided love to himself?
        Worrapat Rungreungwattana is just an ordinary guy who lives an ordinary life, but his heart is taken by a senior whom he had secretly admired since his university days. Poramet Potiwat is a nice young man who speaks very little. He prefers to express his emotions via his gaze rather than his words. Even though he is a quiet man, he likes to help others and is very kind.
        Worrapat recently moved to the house next door to Poramet just before he started his first year of university. It could be mere coincidence or fate, but not only were their houses next to one another, but the two of them studied at the same university and in the same faculty, even if they were in different years. The senior's kindness, however, slowly changed the admiring gaze from the junior next door little by little, developing into a love which would change their relationship forever.
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