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前往金星的第一艘太空飛船/First Spaceship on Venus,Der schweigende Stern,前往金星的第一艘太空飞船,沉默的星

  • Kurt Maetzig
  • 德国/波兰
  • 0集
  • 1960
  • 93分钟
  • 0.001044
The amazing imaginative fiction author Stanislaw Lem wrote this visually stunning East German space ……


          The amazing imaginative fiction author Stanislaw Lem wrote this visually stunning East German space exploration film with a dated but still thoughtful message. The Sets of Der Schweigende Stern are detailed and beautiful - giving the film an amazingly alien feel. The cinematography varies from excellent to mediocre, and the visual effects are cleverly done - relying on actual props and set devices as opposed to split screen and blue or green screen trick photography. Lem's plot is poignant and well-paced, but, unfortunately, most of the acting in this film is a bit difficult to watch. Finally, the overuse of voice-over narration in the early part of the film detracts from its otherwise good artistic and technical merit.
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