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窒息/Spirit of the Dead

  • Peter Newbrook
  • 英国
  • 0集
  • 1973
  • 99分钟
  • 0.0010220
Blending elements of Gothic horror with the more contemporary ingredients of steampunk, THE ASPHYX h……


        Blending elements of Gothic horror with the more contemporary ingredients of steampunk, THE ASPHYX has emerged from obscurity to become a cult favorite of the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Utilizing an experimental photographic device, a scientist (Robert Stephens) captures what appears to be the image of the Asphyx, the ancient Greek spirit of the dead. With the help of his adopted son (Robert Powell), he conducts further experiments and conceives of a way to harness the Asphyx and thereby gain immortality. But, as every visionary scientist should know, defying the laws of the natural and spiritual world unleashes dreadful consequences.
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      • 游客2019-01-07

      • 游客2019-01-07
        加长版蓝光受限于素材 用早期的标清片段重组补齐 先锋实验与伦理的模糊界限 无非还是欲望在作祟

      • 游客2019-01-07
          Blending elements of Gothic horror with the more contemporary ingredients of steampunk THE ASPHYX has emerged from obscurity to become a cult favorite of the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Utilizing an experimental photographic device a scientist (Robert Stephens) captures what appears to be the image of the Asphyx the ancient Greek spirit of the dead. With the help of his adopted so...


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