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Twenty Million People

Twenty Million People高清BT下载
  • Michael Ferrell
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2013
  • 0分钟
  • 0.00109
This isn’t your typical romantic comedy. Brian believes all relationships ……

        Twenty Million People剧情介绍

          This isn’t your typical romantic comedy. Brian believes all relationships are doomed from the start, but during the screening of a cheesy romantic comedy called “Future Perfect,” Brian meets Ashley, the only girl as cynical and callous as he is. A one-night stand turns into casual sex, which turns into dates, and before they know it…Brian is in love. Yet when Ashley disappears, leaving Brian without notice, he doesn’t want to return to his comedic, bachelor life. With the help of his imaginary friend from “Future Perfect,” Brian searches for her and must find out whether she is just giving him a dose of his own medicine or if his life is turning into a classic love story.
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