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Prince of Muck

Prince of Muck高清BT下载
  • Cindy Jansen
  • 荷兰
  • 0集
  • 2021
  • 77分钟
  • 0.00107
Lawrence MacEwen has farmed the Isle of Muck since the late 1960s. With his family he has created a ……

        Prince of Muck剧情介绍

          Lawrence MacEwen has farmed the Isle of Muck since the late 1960s. With his family he has created a rural retreat, out of time with the rapid transformations of the world around it. Revered for his eco-conscious stewardship in the 1970s, Lawrence now finds himself stubbornly battling to preserve the island for the next generation. Dutch filmmaker Cindy Jansen captures a uniquely cinematic portrait of a place and a person haunted by the past and struggling to maintain their relevance for the future.
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