来自未来的访客/The Visitor from the Future
- François Descraques
- 法国
- 0集
- 2022
- 90分钟
- 5.6
- 高速24
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Alice is a young woman opposed to the construction of a power-plant, an idea of her own father who is a member of the parliament. But a weird Visitor from the Future takes her to 2555, a future destroyed by the explosion of that same power-plant. According to the Visiteur, the premature death of her father would prevent this future from happening. But they’ll have to be quick because the Future Police is hunting them down so they don’t alternate their timeline! Alice must achieve the impossible: save her world and save her father.
温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《来自未来的访客》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:2023年11月16日
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