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恋人们/Les Amoureux

  • 卡特琳·科西尼
  • 法国
  • 0集
  • 1994
  • 88分钟
  • 0.00102
In this French coming-of-age drama a 15-year old boy breaks free from his fixation with his older ha……


          In this French coming-of-age drama a 15-year old boy breaks free from his fixation with his older half-sister and learns to trust himself and become independent. The story is set in a rural French town. When his wild half-sister Vivien finally returns home after an eight year absence, young Marc is ecstatic. He is awed by her free-wheeling, independent life. He quietly follows her every move, living vicariously through her. She becomes his teacher, but as Marc observes her more closely he begins to see that his sister has no real sense of self-worth. Her promiscuity is only a mask to hide her lack of self-respect. Marc begins to withdraw and follow his own path. ~ Sandra Brennan, Allrovi
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          • 动漫
