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去年秋天/The Last Fall

  • Matthew A. Cherry
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2012
  • 0分钟
  • 0.0010102
After several years in the playing professional football, KYLE BISHOP is released from his fourth te……


        After several years in the playing professional football, KYLE BISHOP is released from his fourth team in three years and returns to his home town, broke and at a complete loss about what he will do for a living. After an initially cold reception, Kyle reconnects with FAITH DAVIS, his old high school sweetheart. Ready to leave football far in the past, Kyle gets a job at a local gym and starts planning a new life with Faith and her young son, VON. However, when Kyle unexpectedly gets a lucrative offer from another professional team, and the father of Faith's son, RELL, tries to win his way back in her life, he is torn about what path to take.
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      • 游客2019-01-06

      • 游客2019-01-06
          After several years in the playing professional football KYLE BISHOP is released from his fourth team in three years and returns to his home town broke and at a complete loss about what he will do for a living. After an initially cold reception Kyle reconnects with FAITH DAVIS his old high school sweetheart. Ready to leave football far in the past Kyle gets a job at a loca...


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