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Kevi Rite Jaish

Kevi Rite Jaish高清BT下载
  • Abhishek Jain
  • 印度 India
  • 0集
  • 2012
  • 128分钟
  • 0.0010178
The film is a satire on the fascination, nay, obsession of the Patels - a Gujarati farmer community ……

      Kevi Rite Jaish剧情介绍

        The film is a satire on the fascination, nay, obsession of the Patels - a Gujarati farmer community - of migrating to the USA. Over the last half a century lakhs of Patels have migrated to the USA and have come to dominate its Motel industry by dint of hard-work and persistence. The story revolves around one of such Patel family and its uncounted tries to immigrate to States
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        • 电影
        • 电视剧
        • 动漫
