当前位置:首页 > 喜剧片 >超高频/UHF


  • Jay Levey
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 1989
  • 97分钟
  • 6.9010383
The film is the story of George Newman, a young man who has trouble holding a job (and frequently ge……


        The film is the story of George Newman, a young man who has trouble holding a job (and frequently gets his best friend Bob in trouble too) due to his overactive imagination. When he is given ownership of a local TV station, UHF, his imagination can finally be put to good use, in inventing the most bizarre show lineup you can imagine. When a network owner gets jealous of UHF's success, George and his friends and fans must unite to stop him and keep UHF on the air. Michael Richards is also quite excellent as the optimistic, not-too-bright Stanley
      温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《超高频》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


      • 游客2019-01-06

      • 游客2019-01-06

      • 游客2019-01-06
        蠢蠢的恶搞电影,我总是好奇Kramer到底有没有演过不那么颠的人……With Ross

      • 游客2019-01-06
        3.5 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5285e82bfb9fdf9ff9134b9d755ac844e177e917dn=UHF.1989.25th.Anniv.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-2.0.x264-Grym

      • 游客2019-01-06
          The film is the story of George Newman a young man who has trouble holding a job (and frequently gets his best friend Bob in trouble too) due to his overactive imagination. When he is given ownership of a local TV station UHF his imagination can finally be put to good use in inventing the most bizarre show lineup you can imagine. When a network owner gets jealous of UHF's s...


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      • 电视剧
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