Beyond This Place
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- Kaleo La Belle
- 瑞士,美国
- 0集
- 2010
- 93分钟
- 0.0
Beyond This Place剧情介绍
Stoned for 40 Years is how Cloud Rock La Belle describes his life. Taking drugs and intense cycling are the only things to which Cloud has remained faithful throughout his life. Now his son, Kaleo La Belle, challenges his eccentric father to a bike trip. Cycling through the Pacific Northwest, Kaleo questions his father's search for truth and demands justification for his absence in his life. Beyond This Place explores Kaleo and Cloud Rock's failed father and son relationship and questions whether the hippie concept of freedom ultimately failed.
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Stoned for 40 Years is how Cloud Rock La Belle describes his life. Taking drugs and intense cycling are the only things to which Cloud has remained faithful throughout his life. Now his son Kaleo La Belle challenges his eccentric father to a bike trip. Cycling through the Pacific Northwest Kaleo questions his father's search for truth and demands justification for his abse...