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我属于/I Belong

  • Dag Johan Haugerud
  • 挪威
  • 0集
  • 2012
  • 118分钟
  • 0.0010100
What happens to us when people stop acting like they're supposed to? A nurse gets into a dispute at ……


        What happens to us when people stop acting like they're supposed to? A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. I Belong is a warm and nuanced film about people who all mean well, but end up hurting one another. About how people who act on integrity and feelings are seen as troublesome in a society where the ideal is to behave rationally. A playful tragedy-comedy about how what seems like something of little importance to one person, can seem like a grand disaster to another. Written by Motlys
      温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《我属于》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05
        步履沉静单刀直入.An echo. A stain.

      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05
          What happens to us when people stop acting like they're supposed to? A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. I ...


      • 全部
      • 电影
      • 电视剧
      • 动漫
