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南茜,拜托!/Nancy, Please

  • Andrew Semans
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2011
  • 0分钟
  • 0.001082
NANCY, PLEASE tells the story of Paul Brawley, a gifted PhD candidate at Yale University. Paul has j……


        NANCY, PLEASE tells the story of Paul Brawley, a gifted PhD candidate at Yale University. Paul has just moved into an apartment with his pragmatic girlfriend, Jen, and is struggling to complete his dissertation before embarking on a career in academia. There's just one snag: as Paul is unpacking his belongings, he discovers that something has been left behind. A seemingly inconsequential object, but one Paul feels is of great importance to his dissertation and, therefore, to his future: a battered, personally annotated hardcover copy of 'Little Dorrit' by Charles Dickens. He will have to retrieve it from his former roommate - the obstinate Nancy. As he becomes increasingly consumed with the retrieval of 'Little Dorrit', Paul's relationship and career unravel.
      温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《南茜,拜托!》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


      • 游客2019-01-05
        电影的切入点很特别,是关于一个青年人用借口 把对世界的不满和心中的焦虑嫁接在一个无关紧要的人身上,然后不断地纠结他人,将女友、工作都丢了。最后Nancy打了他,应该是最好的发泄、于他也是解脱!我问导演这人是不是有精神问题?导演说是。世界已经阻止不了独立电影导演的思维走向了= 小宇宙爆发吧

      • 游客2019-01-05
          NANCY PLEASE tells the story of Paul Brawley a gifted PhD candidate at Yale University. Paul has just moved into an apartment with his pragmatic girlfriend Jen and is struggling to complete his dissertation before embarking on a career in academia. There's just one snag: as Paul is unpacking his belongings he discovers that something has been left behind. A seemingly incon...


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