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Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. Whe……


        Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School, and get a job as a singer in a music store. He also meets Leo, a talented pianist and his teacher Anne, whose dream is to singing Opera. When Jamie arrives from England, Danny tries to show him the Brooklyn experience and help him compose modern swing music. Together, these four also try to help Leo get the Brooklyn Music scholarship
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      • 游客2019-01-05
        【TCM】布鲁克林是少有的地区符号,在纽约在世界自成一派,延伸传承着自己的历史。而以布鲁克林为发生地(拍于好莱坞),几个片段几首歌曲连接成一种对乡情的思念和赞美。故事现在看来难免简单,但是奉献出了i believe等多首好歌,又符合歌手的身份又符合歌舞片的载体。当时的演员真是能歌善舞呀!

      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05
          Danny has been in the army for 4 years yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick the janitor of his old High School and get a job as a singer in a music store. He also meets Leo a talented pianist and his teacher Anne whose dream is to s...


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