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Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet ……


        Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort.
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      • 游客2019-01-05

      • 游客2019-01-05
          Indiana Jones now a captain in the French army is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later at the French Embassy in Petrograd Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence whe...


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