安息日/The Sabbath
- 马可·贝洛基奥
- 意大利,法国
- 0集
- 1988
- 94分钟
- 0.0
The shortly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about the young Sabba, who's on trial for murder of a forester. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil. The public health officer tells David, he's got reason to believe her, that she'd been searching for a man who suits her needs for 300 years. Already after his first meeting with Sabba, David begins to change: He ignores his beautiful young wife Christina and looses himself in daydreams and hallucinations in which he participates in inquisitory questioning and erotic witches' circles.
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The shortly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about the young Sabba who's on trial for murder of a forester. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil. The public health officer tells David he's got reason to believe her that she'd been searching for a man who suits her needs for 300 years. Already after his first meeting with Sabba David...