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马拉松家庭/The Marathon Family

  • 斯洛博丹·希扬
  • 南斯拉夫
  • 0集
  • 1982
  • 91分钟
  • 7.6010140
The story is set between the two World wars. The Topalovic family consists of five generations of ma……


        The story is set between the two World wars. The Topalovic family consists of five generations of males, with the youngest one aged 25 and the oldest aged 120. Conflicts break out in the family because the youngest member refuses to carry on the morticians' trade, which for decades, from generation to generation has been his family's occupation. The manufacturing of coffins is more and more lucrative, new technologies are introduced, burials are faster and easier, the era of crematoriums is here. But the youngest member of the family, Mirko, is not interested. He believes in a better, nicer and more honest occupation. In this belief he is supported and encouraged by his girlfriend Kristina and his best friend Djenka, owner of a small cinema. Kristina's father Billy Python supplier of coffins to the Topalovic company, demands a larger share in the earnings, i.e. a fair division of work and profit. Thus these two families come into conflict. In the showdown all means are permitted. This is American gangsterism in Balkan style. Greatly disappointed because both his friend and his girlfriend betrayed him, Mirko commits murder. As a murderer, he returns to his family where he is received with open arms as the new leader of the family, aware of his strength and power, a representative of the new generation whose basic moral principle is ruthlessness.
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          The story is set between the two World wars. The Topalovic family consists of five generations of males with the youngest one aged 25 and the oldest aged 120. Conflicts break out in the family because the youngest member refuses to carry on the morticians' trade which for decades from generation to generation has been his family's occupation. The manufacturing of coffins is ...


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