当前位置:首页 > 剧情片 >梦中情人/Belladonna


  • Annika Glac
  • 澳大利亚,波兰
  • 0集
  • 2008
  • 93分钟
  • 0.0010136
Luke, a GP is about to get married to vivacious Katherine. On the surface everything is perfect, but……


          Luke, a GP is about to get married to vivacious Katherine. On the surface everything is perfect, but as the wedding preparations intensify Luke is plagued by nightmares that throw him into chaos. Unable to sleep he visits a hypnotherapist. They travel down deep into Luke's subconscious mind and a mysterious world of forests, witches and fire is revealed. He attempts to reach out to Katherine but she is lost in the fever of the preparations and is blind to his disquiet. In the midst of this chaos, Amelia enters his life, she seem so familiar and something deep in him unravels.
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        • 游客2019-01-08
            Luke a GP is about to get married to vivacious Katherine. On the surface everything is perfect but as the wedding preparations intensify Luke is plagued by nightmares that throw him into chaos. Unable to sleep he visits a hypnotherapist. They travel down deep into Luke's subconscious mind and a mysterious world of forests witches and fire is revealed. He attempts to reach ou...


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