一个青年作曲家的旅程/青年作曲家之旅,A Young Composer's Odyssey,Voyage of the Young Composer,Путешествие молодого композитора
- 格奥尔基·申格拉亚
- 苏联
- 0集
- 1986
- 105分钟
- 0.0
This Russian drama is set in 1907 just before the Revolution erupted and centers upon a young musician who is trying to record all of the folk songs in his big country. His journey leads him to encounter all types of people. The only shadow is the threat of Czarist troops looking to exterminate those who seem to threaten the crumbling monarchy. The musician finds himself pursued when his map is mistaken by soldiers for a list of possible radicals. All those the musician visited are executed and as the story ends, a community religious celebration becomes a massacre when the troops suddenly move in to seize them en masse
改编自Otar Chkeidze小说《无名的风》(Veter, kotoromu net imeni)
1986 柏林影展最佳导演奖
1985 苏联影展最佳影片、最佳摄影两项大奖
This Russian drama is set in 1907 just before the Revolution erupted and centers upon a young musician who is trying to record all of the folk songs in his big country. His journey leads him to encounter all types of people. The only shadow is the threat of Czarist troops looking to exterminate those who seem to threaten the crumbling monarchy. The musician finds himself pursued when his map is mistaken by soldiers for a list of possible radicals. All those the musician visited are executed and as the story ends, a community religious celebration becomes a massacre when the troops suddenly move in to seize them en masse
改编自Otar Chkeidze小说《无名的风》(Veter, kotoromu net imeni)
1986 柏林影展最佳导演奖
1985 苏联影展最佳影片、最佳摄影两项大奖
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一个年轻的作曲家出发前往格鲁吉亚的几个城市旅行,非常希望能够采集各地的民谣。但是他的同伴却相信,他是受到一个革命组织派遣,为的是计划未来的行动。影片一开始便笼罩着一股不祥的预兆,像是暴风雨前的宁静。导演与摄影师微妙地在消极的安详和积极的罪行之间,营造出令人不安的张力。这种宁静的张力持续着,但是诡异的气氛却悄悄地扩散,爆炸、火灾、逮捕行动,直到恶运扩及全国。人物的奔走并不意味他们准备反抗,纯粹只是慑服于恐惧的状态中。他们想逃离,却缺乏勇气与时间。他们在等待一个领袖的出现… This Russian drama is set in 1907 just before the Revolution erupted and centers upon a young musician who is trying to record all of the folk...