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逃往加拿大/Land of the Freer

  • Albert Nerenberg
  • 加拿大
  • 0集
  • 2005
  • 0分钟
  • 6.8010107
Escape to Canada documents how a political change in Canada has triggered a number of unexpected con……


        Escape to Canada documents how a political change in Canada has triggered a number of unexpected consequences. In the wake of the country legalizing both the use of marijuana, and gay marriage, many people seeking a safe place to partake of these new liberties. Director Albert Nerenberg interviews various people, including AWOL members of the American military, who traveled to The Great White North to take advantage of these changes in the law
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          Escape to Canada documents how a political change in Canada has triggered a number of unexpected consequences. In the wake of the country legalizing both the use of marijuana and gay marriage many people seeking a safe place to partake of these new liberties. Director Albert Nerenberg interviews various people including AWOL members of the American military who traveled to ...


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