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哈兰:在《犹太人苏斯》的阴影里/Harlan: In the Shadow of Jew Suess

  • Felix Moeller
  • 德国
  • 0集
  • 2008
  • 100分钟
  • 0.0010156
Though almost forgotten today, Veit Harlan was one of Nazi Germany's most notorious filmmakers. His ……


        Though almost forgotten today, Veit Harlan was one of Nazi Germany's most notorious filmmakers. His most perfidious film was the treacherous anti-Semitic propaganda film Jud Süß - required viewing for all SS members. An unrepentant and blindly obsessive craftsman, no figure - save for Leni Riefenstahl - is as closely associated with the cinema of the Holocaust years. (Harlan's epic Kolberg was the basis for Inglourious Basterds's pivotal film-within-a-film Stolz Der Nation.) This documentary is an eye-opening examination of World War II film history as well as the story of a German family from the Third Reich to the present; one that is marked by reckoning, denial and liberation.
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          Though almost forgotten today Veit Harlan was one of Nazi Germany's most notorious filmmakers. His most perfidious film was the treacherous anti-Semitic propaganda film Jud Süß - required viewing for all SS members. An unrepentant and blindly obsessive craftsman no figure - save for Leni Riefenstahl - is as closely associated with the cinema of the Holocaust years. (Harlan's ...


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