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线人:被绑架的阿麦尔 那莎巴蒂/Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi

线人:被绑架的阿麦尔 那莎巴蒂高清BT下载
  • Ian Olds
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2009
  • 84分钟
  • 0.0010100
Just 24 years old, journalist, translator, and coordinator Ajmal Naqshbandi was one of Afghanistan's……

        线人:被绑架的阿麦尔 那莎巴蒂剧情介绍

          Just 24 years old, journalist, translator, and coordinator Ajmal Naqshbandi was one of Afghanistan's best fixers-people who help foreign media negotiate the treacherous landscape of personalities that includes ordinary citizens, Afghan government officials, and Taliban fighters. In Naqshbandi's own words, This work is very dangerous. I bring one enemy to meet another. Fixer follows the close relationship between Naqshbandi and one of his clients, American journalist Christian Parenti. The intimate portrait of two colleagues shifts dramatically when Naqshbandi is kidnapped, along with an Italian reporter, by Taliban forces. The situation goes from bad to worse as foreign powers pressure for a fast resolution to the kidnapping, the Afghan government bungles its response, and the spectre of Taliban power looms in the background. What follows is the tragic story of one man forgotten in the crossfire. Ultimately, Fixer is an unflinching look at the problems facing a troubled and proud nation.
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        • 游客2019-01-08
            Just 24 years old journalist translator and coordinator Ajmal Naqshbandi was one of Afghanistan's best fixers-people who help foreign media negotiate the treacherous landscape of personalities that includes ordinary citizens Afghan government officials and Taliban fighters. In Naqshbandi's own words This work is very dangerous. I bring one enemy to meet another. Fixer...


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