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The Collector/Collectionneur, Le,Le collectionneur,Neitosurmat

The Collector高清BT下载
  • Jean Beaudin
  • 加拿大
  • 0集
  • 2002
  • 125分钟
  • 0.0010171
The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. ……

      The Collector剧情介绍

        The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. She frequently offers her hospitality to a 16-year-old prostitute, Grégoire, a young man who became her friend. But when the teenager decides to invite a 12-year-old boy who is running away from home, Maud is near illegality. In addition, the detective has to deal with a serial killer who had already killed and mutilated many women. When she understands that the killer is very intelligent and organized, she elaborates a strategy to arrest him. There starts a dangerous game where the two teenagers that Graham is protecting will be implied. The killer is getting closer, revealing more and more of his madness.
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      • 游客2019-01-08
          The detective Maud Graham hides her sensibility behind the image of a strong and independant woman. She frequently offers her hospitality to a 16-year-old prostitute Grégoire a young man who became her friend. But when the teenager decides to invite a 12-year-old boy who is running away from home Maud is near illegality. In addition the detective has to deal with a serial k...


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