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意大利式故事/Una storia italiana

  • Stefano Reali
  • 意大利
  • 0集
  • 1993
  • 180分钟
  • 0.0010159
Recognizing the raw material of champions in his two nephews, Vittorio Amitrano eagerly takes on the……


        Recognizing the raw material of champions in his two nephews, Vittorio Amitrano eagerly takes on the task of training them to compete professionally. His efforts spark conflict with their father, who feels betrayed as the boys' allegiance shifts to their uncle. Further obstacles are created by manipulative forces within the Rowing Federation. But the brothers' loyalty survives every test, and their winning spirit remains undaunted.
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      • 游客2019-01-07
          Recognizing the raw material of champions in his two nephews Vittorio Amitrano eagerly takes on the task of training them to compete professionally. His efforts spark conflict with their father who feels betrayed as the boys' allegiance shifts to their uncle. Further obstacles are created by manipulative forces within the Rowing Federation. But the brothers' loyalty survives ...


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      • 电影
      • 电视剧
      • 动漫
