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活死人的城堡/Crypt of Horror,Castle of the Living Dead

  • Luciano Ricci
  • 意大利,法国
  • 0集
  • 1964
  • 91分钟
  • 0.001015
When a travelling troupe of performers accept a commission from the mysterious Count Drago (Christop……


          When a travelling troupe of performers accept a commission from the mysterious Count Drago (Christopher Lee) and fail to heed the warnings of a local witch (Donald Sutherland), they find themselves trapped in the CASTLE OF THE LIVING DEAD. Terror ensues as they are picked off one-by-one as the Count enacts a diabolical scheme: the perversion of science to achieve immortality. A grim dwarf hero battles the Count's scythe-wielding henchman; a surreal secret museum of the Count's victims (whose number includes British horror filmmaker Michael Reeves) and the arresting Italian baroque setting all make for a uniquely cult film experience.
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