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玉女怀春/神探奇案,Gideon of Scotland Yard

  • 约翰·福特
  • 英国
  • 0集
  • 1958
  • 91分钟
  • 6.801015
Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-vi……


          Scotland Yard Inspector George Gideon starts his day off on the wrong foot when he gets a traffic-violation ticket from a young police officer. From there, his 'typical day consists in learning that one of his most-trusted detectives has accepted bribes; hunts an escaped maniac who has murdered a girl; tracks a young girl suspected of a payroll robbery and, then, helps break up a bank robbery. His long day ends when he arrives at home and finds that his daughter has a date with the policeman who gave him a ticket that morning. Written by Les Adams
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