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婚前一夜情/It Takes Two

  • David Beaird
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 1988
  • 81分钟
  • 0.001012
In Texas, the naive Travis Rogers quits his job to marry his beloved Stephanie Stephi Lawrence and w……


          In Texas, the naive Travis Rogers quits his job to marry his beloved Stephanie Stephi Lawrence and work with his father-in-law. However he decides to buy a car with his US$ 5,000.00 savings in Dallas before the wedding. He goes to a car dealer and the sexy saleswoman Jonni Tigersmith convinces him to buy an expensive fully-loaded Lamborghini-type car after the test drive. But soon Travis finds that his car is a piece of junk. When Jonni sees the car, she has an argument with her crooked boss since it is not the test drive car and is fired together with the mechanic. She meets Travis and they have one night stand. They team up with the mechanic and decide to retrieve the car he bought. Meanwhile Stephi is waiting for travel for the rehearsals and finally for the wedding. Will Travis marry Stephi or stay with Jonni?
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