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恶魔之屋/La casa del Sabba

  • Marco Cerilli
  • 意大利
  • 0集
  • 2022
  • 92分钟
  • 0.001020
A famous Italian-American writer of horror novels goes to Puglia to spend a few days in an old house……


          A famous Italian-American writer of horror novels goes to Puglia to spend a few days in an old house on the coast. The real estate agent tries to convince the writer to buy it, but he only wants to spend a few days there hoping to find inspiration. The history of the house begins to manifest itself with hallucinations, which the writer notes as ideas for his novel.
          He then meets some locals who tell him the story of a cult, that came to the house in the 1970s to build a temple dedicated to Satan. The writer will very soon discover that the cult is still there and that he is only a tool driven by evil…
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