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Bruno Mars: 24K Magic Live at the Apollo

Bruno Mars: 24K Magic Live at the Apollo高清BT下载
  • Chris Howe
  • 美国
  • 1集
  • 2017
  • 60分钟
  • 9.601014
CBS and Atlantic Records partnered with multiple Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, ……

        Bruno Mars: 24K Magic Live at the Apollo剧情介绍

          CBS and Atlantic Records partnered with multiple Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, director, musician and two-time Super Bowl Halftime performer Bruno Mars to premiere his first prime-time television special. The electrifying concert was taped at the legendary Apollo Theater in New York City, where Mars kicked off the show in spectacular style with an epic performance atop the Apollo's landmark marquee. Mars and his band, the Hooligans, also take to the streets, singing, visiting, and entertaining locals in the surrounding Harlem neighborhood.
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