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丧气老妈 第二季/The Letdown

丧气老妈 第二季高清BT下载
  • 阿曼达·布洛基
  • 澳大利亚
  • 6集
  • 2019
  • 30分钟
  • 0.00106
New mother Audrey is having a hard time adjusting to motherhood. Exhausted, struggling to breastfeed……

        丧气老妈 第二季剧情介绍

          New mother Audrey is having a hard time adjusting to motherhood. Exhausted, struggling to breastfeed and lacking support from her husband, her selfish and flighty mother, and friends who don't invite her out clubbing, she turns to a new mothers group. What she finds is a mixed bag of women and one man who are all in the same boat. Together they are united by their horror birth stories, sleepless nights and loss of identity. The letdown is a humorous yet truthful insight into new parenthood, a must watch that will make you reminisce and cry at the same time.
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