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陷阱/The Trap,凡卡

  • Jayaraaj
  • 印度
  • 0集
  • 2014
  • 81分钟
  • 0.001021
Ottaal (The Trap) is an adaptation of one of Anton Chekhov's timeless works, Vanka. A story of the 1……


          Ottaal (The Trap) is an adaptation of one of Anton Chekhov's timeless works, Vanka. A story of the 18th century, but one that has travelled the time and space to be retold in the present day at a small village in the South of India. Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's recollections takes us to the picturesque locations of Kuttanad, where Kuttappayi and his grandpa, Valiyappachayi, are arriving with their ducks. The village is as pleasant as it can be even though what brings him there is the death of his dearest parents. With hope and freedom, he is about to start his life afresh among the village's letterless postman, the nameless dog, the rich lad, Tintu and many more.
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