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Candy Cane Christmas/Un Noël à réinventer

Candy Cane Christmas高清BT下载
  • Adrian Langley
  • 加拿大
  • 0集
  • 2020
  • 91分钟
  • 0.001018
It's the Christmas season, the favorite time of year for Phoebe Saunders, half owner/operator of See……
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Candy Cane Christmas

      Candy Cane Christmas剧情介绍

        It's the Christmas season, the favorite time of year for Phoebe Saunders, half owner/operator of Seeing Green Flower Shop along with her childhood best friend, Laurie Danes. Phoebe is set in her traditions in all aspects of life, which makes this season potentially not as special when she learns that her favorite Christmas tradition, Candy Cane Lane - a street in her old neighborhood decorated by the residents - not happening for the first time since she was a child with Louise McGraw, the long time organizer, moving, and all the other residents losing interest. Laurie sees this as an opportunity for Phoebe as she's felt Phoebe's traditions have stifled her life, preventing her from experiencing new things. In finding other things to fill the void left by the absence of Candy Cane Lane, Phoebe meets Eric Kelton, a veterinarian. Eric has shut himself off from love since the demise of his last serious relationship, this Christmas the first since that break-up. That first encounter between Phoebe and Eric leads to a second chance encounter, with many more chance encounters to come. Although there is an attraction between the two, they have just as many moments of the stars not aligning for them to embark on a relationship as they do those chance encounters. What happens between the two of them may be affected by if there is a special something to replace Phoebe's beloved Candy Candy Lane.
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