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岁月安好/The Kids Are Alright

  • Jeff Stein
  • 英国
  • 0集
  • 1979
  • 101分钟
  • 8.901019
This film came out shortly after Who drummer Keith Moon's death and as such, is a hybrid between a t……


          This film came out shortly after Who drummer Keith Moon's death and as such, is a hybrid between a tribute to his work with the band and what it was probably originally intended to be, a collection of performances and material showcasing their development through their first quarter-century.
          There are some great live performances here: including a smashing live version of the extended ‘Won't Get Fooled Again', stuff from the sixties' German pop show Beat Club, and many more. There are interviews (including the famous one with Russell Harty from the mid-seventies), and other bits and pieces put together. This was always the definitive line-up of the band, when their songs had spirit and their performances were technically accomplished with a touch of humour.
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          • 动漫
