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百老汇的最后一夜/Bloodhounds of Broadway



          This film, which incorporates the plots of four Damon Runyon stories, takes place in and around a grand New Year's Eve party in 1928. The guests, many of whose lives intertwine during the evening, include Harriet (Julie Hagerty), the rich society doll throwing the bash; the aptly named Feet Samuels (Randy Quaid), who is about to sell those body parts to a doctor; and Hortense (Madonna), the ballsy, money-hungry showgirl Feet has a crush on. There's also The Brain (Rutger Hauer), a mob boss with many girlfriends -- who's walking around with a knife in his stomach; Regret (Matt Dillon), so named for his chronic inability to pick a winning racehorse; and many other colorful characters, all of whom will make this one night to remember.
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