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强劲节奏/Spas' ta

  • P. David Ebersole
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 2011
  • 103分钟
  • 0.0010120
HIT SO HARD follows the journey of Patty Schemel, the openly gay drummer of Courtney Love's seminal ……


        HIT SO HARD follows the journey of Patty Schemel, the openly gay drummer of Courtney Love's seminal rock band 'Hole.' As a young girl who always knew she was 'different' from the other kids in her farm town home outside of Seattle, Patty never dreamed she would one day have her picture on the cover of 'Rolling Stone.' But she also never fathomed that she could lose it all. A true survivor of what we now know was the disaffected 'slacker' generation, Patty found herself, like her friend Kurt Cobain, embraced by the dark side.
      温馨提示:您正在浏览的"《强劲节奏》BT种子下载"的剧情介绍来自于[www.ainapian.com-就爱那片儿],如果您喜欢本站,请推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的支持! 最后更新:


      • 游客2019-01-06

      • 游客2019-01-06

      • 游客2019-01-06
        前半部分大半像是Courtney Love和Kurt Cobain私家录像汇集。很feminist很gay inspirational,除了结尾都很fucked up。主要的Courtney Love那段采访她是吸毒翻天了没停过吃东西。

      • 游客2019-01-06
        整部片子就是不停换人叨逼叨,再就是看Courtney Love嗑完药什么样。

      • 游客2019-01-06
          HIT SO HARD follows the journey of Patty Schemel the openly gay drummer of Courtney Love's seminal rock band 'Hole.' As a young girl who always knew she was 'different' from the other kids in her farm town home outside of Seattle Patty never dreamed she would one day have her picture on the cover of 'Rolling Stone.' But she also never fathomed that she could lose it all. A tr...


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