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我的一家人 第十季/My Family

我的一家人 第十季高清BT下载
  • Ed Bye
  • 英国
  • 9集
  • 2010
  • 28分钟
  • 0.001014
In the tenth series, in the second episode (The Son'll Come Out) Michael comes out as gay to his par……

        我的一家人 第十季剧情介绍

          In the tenth series, in the second episode (The Son'll Come Out) Michael comes out as gay to his parents, first to his father after coming home drunk then later to his mother. He then tells them that he has been in a relationship with a guy for some time, a 25 year old solicitor called Scott Marsh, who later moves into the Harper residence, though he is later seen in gay clubs picking up guys and giving out his number, suggesting that he and Scott have broken up, but they later get back together. These comprise of a nine-part tenth series and a seven-part eleventh series.
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