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爱的弹丸/Annie Oakley

  • 乔治·史蒂文斯
  • 美国
  • 0集
  • 1935
  • 90分钟
  • 0.0010113
In a sharpshooting match, the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying ……


        In a sharpshooting match, the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying the hotel with quail...who turns out to be young Annie Oakley. Result: Annie is hired for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (which is faithfully re-enacted in the film). She's tutored in showmanship by champ Toby Walker. But when Annie wins top billing, professional rivalry conflicts with their growing personal attachment, leading to misunderstanding and separation.
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      • 游客2019-01-06
        新学了一句美帝俚语“dog my cats”,中文翻译“喵了个咪”。

      • 游客2019-01-06
        Missy第一部西部就足够帅气。结尾男人一个转身,已成传奇的女人还是带着孩子气、兴奋的笑容拥上前。Good night Missy

      • 游客2019-01-06
        著名女性神枪手传记片,乔治·史蒂文斯(巨人传【1956】)导演,为导演与主演的首部西部片。Oakley(1860-1926)生于中部俄亥俄,幼年贫苦,八岁学会打猎,以出售猎物维系全家生计。后来加入“Buffalo Bills Wild West”在美国及欧洲各地演出。片中表现的印第安人仍是一贯“原始天真”。联想到《枪疯

      • 游客2019-01-06
          In a sharpshooting match the manager of a Cincinnati hotel bets on the fellow who's been supplying the hotel with quail...who turns out to be young Annie Oakley. Result: Annie is hired for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (which is faithfully re-enacted in the film). She's tutored in showmanship by champ Toby Walker. But when Annie wins top billing professional rivalry conflicts...


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